Institute of Crop Science 340

The Institute of Crop Science is made up of the eight departments:

Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy
Quality of Plant Products
Crop Physiology of Specialty Crops
Nutritional Crop Physiology
Fertilization and Soil Chemistry
Physiology of Yield Stability

Research at the institute covers a wide range of fundamental issues relating to the development of optimal and sustainable crop cultivation systems. In addition to the traditional areas of plant cultivation and statistics, it also includes novel crops and production processes for the growing bioeconomy, optimal and environmentally friendly plant nutrition, quality of plant products, and the resilience of plant production systems.
Laboratories, climate chambers, greenhouses, and field trial sites in various climatic locations are available for practical research.

Institute Day at the Ihinger Hof on 14 March 2023

Dept. of Agronomy 340a

Chair: Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger

We develop crop production systems (regional, global) emphasizing topics like ecological-conventional production, integration of new crops, digitalization, intercropping, etc. as well as aspects of bioeconomy. The group uses and develops process-oriented plant growth models, which enable a holistic view of soil-plant systems.

Website Agronomy 340a

Dept. of Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy 340b

Chair: Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski

We are involved in research and teaching in the field of biomass supply systems from sustainable agriculture. Research focuses on perennial cropping systems (in particular miscanthus, wild plant mixtures and grassland), nutrient recycling in agricultural systems, urban gardening and microalgae. Sustainability assessment activities include the development of concepts for the design and evaluation of biobased value chains and networks.

Website Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy 340b

Dept. of Biostatistics 340c

Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Piepho

We work on the analysis of large genomic and phenotypic datasets, particularly in animal and plant breeding applications. Our focus is the adaptation and further development of methods based on the mixed model framework.

Website Biostatistics 340c

Dept. of Quality of Plant Products 340e

Chair: Prof. Dr. Christian Zörb

Our research focuses on plant physiological processes and cultivation methods that enhance the quality of plant products such as wine, cereal grains, and various vegetables. We particularly study the impact of climate change on these processes, with a special emphasis on the effects of drought and altered nutrient acquisition, such as nitrogen deficiency. Sustainability is an important aspect of our research. Our department operates the university's winery, which includes a vineyard and a castle cellar where wines are sold both online and on site. We primarily cultivate and make wine from new and sustainable grape varieties, known as Piwi, which are considered pioneering wines.

Website Quality of Plant Products 340e

Dept. of Crop Physiology of Specialty Crops 340f

Commisary chair: Prof. Dr. Christian Zörb

We develop practical measures for cultural management in horticulture based on knowledge of underlying plant physiological and molecular biological adaptation strategies, as well as endogenous regulatory mechanisms of horticultural crops. The research objectives include identifying specific causes of various horticultural cultivation problems, detecting and quantifying the plant's response to multiple stressors, and developing preventive measures to reduce the impact of stress. The regulation of plant growth and developmental processes takes into account specific plant-environment interactions to ensure yield and food quality in specialty crops.

Website Crop Physiology of Specialty Crops 340f

Dept. of Nutritional Crop Physiology 340h

Chair: Prof. Dr. Uwe Ludewig

We investigate how plants, especially crops, will continue to supply themselves with nutrients and elements in times of climate change (heat stress, water scarcity, extreme weather) and how this contributes to plant health. Studies are currently underway on maize, wheat, white lupin, bean, pea and the model plant Arabidopsis, mainly on basic research issues. Nitrogen, phosphorus and microelements, such as iron and zinc, are the main elements being studied. Individual nutrient transporters and their regulation are analyzed, for example those for ammonium (AMTs). Nutrient transporters are expressed in yeast and oocytes to characterize them electrophysiologically. Genetic and physiological factors of plants, especially their roots, are also studied in detail (proteomics, RNA-Seq), mainly from plants grown in the greenhouse and in nutrient solutions, but in some cases also in the field. A central aspect is also the study of the rhizosphere, the soil space that is strongly influenced by the plant through exudates, its bacterial and fungal microbiome. The extent to which plants adapt to repeated stress, for example by means of epigenetic mechanisms, is also being investigated. The department is internationally active in various interdisciplinary research projects.

Website Nutritional Crop Physiology 340h

Dept. of Fertilization and Soil Chemistry 340i

Chair: Prof. Dr. Torsten Müller

Our research focus is on basic research on nutrient acquisition of crops including the rhizosphere, environmental and demand-oriented fertilization (especially nitrogen and phosphorus), and the effects and mitigation of global change in relation to fertilization and soil nutrient management. In teaching, the department represents the fields of fertilization and soil nutrient management in the agricultural science courses at Bachelor and Master level.

Website Fertilization and Soil Chemistry 340i

Dept. of Physiology of Yield Stability 340k

Chair: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Schmöckel

We take a systemic approach combining basic research with applied research questions and working in interdisciplinary research projects. At the core, we investigate crop resilience in the face of climate change and extreme weather events, such as water deficit, heat and salt stress tolerance in crops like barley, maize and quinoa. We utilize genetic resources and assess crop physiology combining classical methodologies with -omics driven physiology (i.e. RNAseq). To investigate the molecular basis of abiotic stress tolerance we make use of different tools, such as the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, genome editing in barley or the heterologous expression system yeast.

Website Physiology of Yield Stability 340k